My passion for running started when I ran with my father short distances (4 km). The first event, I participated in was a sportsday of my fathers work. At that day, I was enlisted as the youngest participant; it was so much fun. Due to circumstances, I left my passion for running for a while.
Since 2017, I started running more seriously again with a mission: The Muskathlon. I decided to raise €10.000,- for Compassion, who elevate children from poverty, and Open Doors, who support the persecuted church. To draw attention, I started training for half a marathon (21 km) to be run in a far away country. You can find much more about my Muskathlon on my other website
In my way to the half a marathon, I participated in the Batavierenrace (8 km and 6.4 km), Enschede Marathon (10 km), Singelloop Enschede (8km) and Campusloop (6.4 km).